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Showing posts from October, 2016


ikutan buat ginian hihihi #FESTIVALIKLANBUKALAPAK - Santri myHero - Ayo di tonton dab,konco-konco,teman-teman,sahabat,keluarga,pacar,mantan,gebetan, Kabeh wajib nonton dan jangan lupa Subcribe, Like and Commment dan jangan lupa diShare ke Akun Facebook, twitter, past, Instagram ect, Semoga berkenan dan bermanfaat.. #SantriMyHero

10 code touring a child's hand by #PISSUE &

Ridho Pratama - The motor is a populist vehicle. The price is not too high unaffordable even lower middle income people. There are many variations of such motors male motorcycle, moped, until the automatic motor. Over time, the motor is not only an alternative means of transportation due to anti jam may weaving and nyalip. He also became a hobby, and the pride of some communities. It can be seen from many motorcycle gang. There's a motorcycle gang based on the similarity of such gangs automatic motorcycle, vespa, motorcycle man. There is also a motorcycle gang based on the similarity of the brand motorcycles. Usually they hold events like touring out of town on a motorbike. When riding a motorcycle, the rider had to really concentrate. Communication between members of a motorcycle gang in the street using hand code. The code is usually supplied hand chain from the front riders continue to riders behind him. If you are admitted as a hobby motorcycle tourin...