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10 code touring a child's hand by #PISSUE &

Ridho Pratama - The motor is a populist vehicle. The price is not too high unaffordable even lower middle income people. There are many variations of such motors male motorcycle, moped, until the automatic motor.

Over time, the motor is not only an alternative means of transportation due to anti jam may weaving and nyalip. He also became a hobby, and the pride of some communities. It can be seen from many motorcycle gang.

There's a motorcycle gang based on the similarity of such gangs automatic motorcycle, vespa, motorcycle man. There is also a motorcycle gang based on the similarity of the brand motorcycles.

Usually they hold events like touring out of town on a motorbike. When riding a motorcycle, the rider had to really concentrate. Communication between members of a motorcycle gang in the street using hand code.

The code is usually supplied hand chain from the front riders continue to riders behind him.

If you are admitted as a hobby motorcycle touring out of town you probably memorized by rote with this code. However, you are often stuck on the road with the bike every day should also understand it.

Here is the code that are commonly used children's hands motors.

1. Turn left

Rentangkan tangan kirimu ke samping kiri dengan telapak kanan menghadap ke bawah. Biasanya pengendara di belakangmu memahaminya.

2.Turn right

Seperti yang kita ketahui bahwa tangan kanan digunakan untuk mengendalikan gas motor. Maka tidak mungkin memberikan kode dengan tangan kanan.
Kode yang diberikan tetap menggunakan tangan kiri. Tekuklah tangan kirimu sampai 90odengan mengarahkan tangan agak condong ke depan. Tangan dalam kondisi terkepal.
3.Interlocking Stop
Tekuk tangan kirimu kebawah sampai 90o. Tangan menghadap ke belakang dengan telapak tangan terbuka.

4.Interlocking Speed Increase
Rentangkan tangan kirimu ke samping kiri. Ayunkan lengan ke atas dan ke bawah sebagai tanda kamu akan menaikan kecepatan motor.

5.Provide Interlocking Signal
Rentangkan tangan kirimu ke samping kiri. Buka dan tutup telapak tanganmu sebagai tanda memberikan sinyal.

6.Interlocking pause
Kepalkan tangan kirimu ke arah kiri. Tunjukan jempol tanganmu seperti kamu memberikan kode akan minum. Kode ini merupakan tanda kamu akan berhenti sejenak.

7.Petrol Filling Interlocking
Saat di tengah perjalanan bensin motormu limit, kamu tak perlu khawatir. Kamu dapat merentangkan tangan ke arah samping, kemudian menunjuk ke arah tangki bensin.

8.Interlocking Pulled
Rentangkan tangan kirimu ke arah atas. Kemudian keluarkan jari telunjukmu seraya mengayunkan tangan ke arah di mana kamu ingin berhenti.

9.Interlocking Reduced Speed
Ada saat di mana kamu ingin mengurangi kecepatan karena sesuatu. Kamu dapat memberikan kode dengan merentangkan tangan kirimu ke samping. Kemudian ayunkan ke atas dan kebawah seraya mengurangi kecepatan motormu.

10.Interlocking Make Other Bikers Following You
If you find other bikers on the way, you can give the code to the bikers follow. Lift your hands up while open palms.

Good Bikers are bikers who pay attention to personal safety and the safety of other road users. Use standard safety equipment that has been set by the police such as helmets.
To be safer while driving away, use additional equipment such as masks, jackets, gloves, and footwear are closed.
Even if you do touring with friends gang consisting of many people, but you should not behave arrogantly on the streets. The road is a public property that must be maintained its order together.
Orderly traffic is a culture that must be preserved wherever we are. #SalamBikers #Jogja


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