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Showing posts from 2017

how to create search ads or search ads on Google Adsense

Illustrion gambar Until now, Google Adsense is still the interest of bloggers. According to most of them, Google Adsense is the best alternative as a publisher of ads and businesses running blogs. Indeed many advantages of Google Adsense than other ad publisher, 9 Facts Google Adsense Better than Publisher Other Ads. Well, talking about Google Adsense, I want to tell you this time. At the beginning I became a Google Adsense publisher, I saw a lot of display ads on other blogs, one of which is search ads or search ads. You may also often encounter such ads on other blogs. I am confused, how to get the search ad code like in other blogs, even me to find some tutorial to satisfy this desire and finally I can do it. Immediately, I placed one of my search ads on my blog at that time. It's been a long time, and now on the go, I want to give a tutorial for novice Adsense publishers to create search ads on blogs. I hope this tutirial will provide benefits of course, and here...

Differences PPC, CPC, CPA, CPM

Illustrion gambar mouses & dollar Hello guys !  I will post a short article about the difference PPC, CPC, CPA & CPM. The term is sometimes often heard for friends who just plunged into the world of internet marketing, especially publishers Blogs, websites and the like. The term is often caught similarly but actually different.   So, why is this kind of thing so important to all friends? Because the term is the main key for all friends to be successful in running internet marketing business, especially to advertising (Google Adsense).   Well, before talking about the difference PPC, CPC, & CPM. I want to explain first 2 important terms that are mandatory in the world of internet marketing.   1. Publisher is an individual / group that has a website & want the website paired ads. Do you know what? Yes I can make money. So, if friends all want to earn money from the website / blog, very often called the word Sang Publisher. Like me this, Se...

Rincian detail Nilai Bitcoin

Okay .. Now you note, or copy and paste a bit of Bitcoin itself. Here, I simulate 1 bitcoin ratenya Rp.10 million or $ 1,000 (In order for you easy to count it) Bitcoin consists of 8 0 numbers 0.00000000 whose sequence is like: 0.00000001 BTC = 1 satoshi 0.0000001 BTC = 10 satoshi 0.000001 BTC = 1 uBTC (micro) 0.00001 BTC = 10 uBTC 0.0001 BTC = 100 uBTC 0.001 BTC = 1 mBTC (milli) 0.01 BTC = 10 mBTC 0.1 BTC = 100 mBTC 1 BTC = 1 BTC 10 BTC = 10 BTC 100 BTC = 100 BTC 1,000 BTC = 1 kBTC (kilo) 10,000 BTC = 10 kBTC 100,000 BTC = 100 kBTC 1,000,000 BTC = 1 MBTC (mega) 10.000.000 BTC = 10 MBTsee the table above, If dirupiahkan, 10 satoshi = Rp. 1 100 satoshi = Rp. 10 0.001 BTC = 1 mBTC = Rp.10.000 0.01 BTC = Rp.100.000 0.1 BTC = Rp.1.000.000 1 BTC = Rp.10,000,000 ----------------- Ok, already understand? Why do I know the value ?? Because once you know, you can choose which site alias which site waste of time and energy to search btc itself. But, NEVER (Note) Never agan sites that are ...

10 Hal Unik dan Menarik Tentang Apple "10 Unique and Interesting Things About Apple"

Apple merupakan perusahaan komputer dan elektronik paling terkemuka di dunia saat ini. Apple menciptakan banyak produk mutakhir, seperti iPhone, iPad, laptop dan komputer Mac, sistem operasi OS X, iTunes, dan masih banyak lagi.Perusahaan multinasional yang didirikan pada 1 April 1976 ini selain telah menciptakan begitu banyak teknologi dan inovasi juga memiliki banyak kisah menarik untuk diceritakan. Berikut adalah 10 fakta menarik tentang Apple yang perlu Anda ketahui. " Apple is a computer company and the leading global electronics today. Apple created a lot of cutting-edge products, such as iPhone, iPad, laptop and Mac computers, OS X operating system, iTunes, and many multinational lagi.Perusahaan established on 1 April 1976 in addition has created so many technologies and innovation also has many interesting stories to tell. Here are 10 interesting facts about Apple you need to know. " 10. Logo Pertama Apple ( Apple First Logo ) Saat ini, logo Apple yang ...
For the airline stands perbangan world look below: U8 - Armavia U9-Selcon Airlines Ltd. UA-United Airlines UB-United Myanmar Air UC-Ladeco Airlines UD-HEX Air UF-UM Air UG-Tuninter UH-Eurasia Airlines UI-San Juan Aviation UJ - Aerosanta Airlines UK-KLM UK UL-Srilankan Airlines UM - Air Zimbabwe UN-Transaero Airlines UO-Northern Star Airlines UP - Bahamasair UQ-O Connor Airlines UR-Ukraine National Airline US-US Airways UT - Air Charter Asia Act - Air Austral UV-Helicopteros del Sureste UW-Universal Airlines UX - Air Europa UY - Cameroon Airlines UZ - Buraq Air Transport V2-AS Valdresfly V3-Carpatair V4-Valair V5-Royal Aruban Airlines V6 - Air Atlantique V7 - Air Senegal International V8-Iliamna Air V9 - Bashkir Airlines VA-Volare Airlines VB-Duo Airways VC-servivensa VE - Avensa VF-Nevis Express VG-VLM Airlines VH - Aeropostal VI-Vieques Air Link VJ-Royal Air Cambodge VK-Val Air VL-North Vancouver Airlines VM-Viaggio Air VN-Vietnam Airl...
For the airline stands perbangan world look below: NO - AUS Air NP-Skytrans NQ-Orbi Georgian Air NR-Norontair NS-Caucasus Airlines NT - Binter Canarias NU Japan Transocean Air Co. NV-NWT Water NW-Northwest Airlines NX - Air Macau NY - Air Iceland NZ - Air New Zealand OA-Olympic Airways OB-Shepparton Airlines OC - ​​Aviacion del Noroeste SA OE - Air Omega OF-Trav Ariens Madagascar OG-Ocean Airways OH-Comair OI - Aspiring Air Services OJ - Water St Barthelemy OK-CSA Czech Airlines OL-OLT Ostfriesische Lufttransporte OM-MIAT Mongolian Airlines ON - Air Nauru OO-Sky West Airlines OP-Chalk Ocean Airways OR-Crimea Air OS - Austrian Airlines OT - Aeropelican Air Services OU-Croatia Airlines OV-Estonian Air OW-Executive Airlines OX-Orient Express Air OY-Omni Air Express OZ - Asiana Airlines P2-UTair Aviation JSC P3-Phoenix Aviation Air Co. P4 - Aero Lineas Sosa P5 - Aerorepublica P6-Trans Air P7-East Line Airlines P8-Pantanal Linhas Aereas P9-NAS A...
For the airline stands perbangan world look below: HH-Islandsflug HI-Papillon Airways HJ-Hellenic Star Airways HK-Swan Airlines HM - Air Seychelles HN-Proteus Helicopteres HO - Antinea Airlines HP - America West Airlines HQ - Business Express HR-Hahn Air HS-Direktflyg Svenska AB HT - Airwork HU-Hainan Airlines HV-Transavia Airlines HW-North Wright Air HX-Trans North Aviation HY-Uzbekistan Airways HZ-Euroflight Sweden AB IA-Iraqi Airways IB-Iberia IC-Indian Airlines Ltd ID-Interlink Airlines IE-Solomon Airlines IF-Islas Airways IG-Meridiana IH-Falcon Aviation AB II - Business Air Ltd. IK-Imair Airline IL-Istanbul Airlines IM-Menajet IN-Macedonian Airlines IO-PT Indonesian Airlines IP - Airlines of Tasmania IQ - Augsburg Airways IR-Iran Air IS-Island Airlines IT-Irtysh Avia IU - Air Straubing IV-Delsey Airlines IW - Air Lib IX-Flandre Air IZ - Arkia J2 - Azerbaijan Airlines J3-Northwestern Air Lease J4 - Buffalo Airways Ltd. J5 - Aviaprima ...
For the airline stands perbangan world look below: BL-Pacific Airlines BM - Air Sicilia BN-Horizon Airlines BO - Bouraq Airlines BP - Air Botswana Corp BQ - Aeromar BR-Eva Air BS - British International BT - Air Baltic BU - Braathens BV-Sun Air BW - Bwia West Indies Airways BX-Coast Air BY - Britannia Airways BZ-Keystone Air Service C2 - Air Luxor STP C3 - Angola Air Charter C5-Cretan Airlines SA C6 - Bright Water C7-RLA Rico Linhas Areas C8-Chicago Express Airlines C9-Cirrus Airlines CA - Air China CB-ScotAirways CC-macair Airlines CD - Alliance Air CE-Nationwide Air CF-City Airline CG - Airlines PNG CH - Bemidji Airlines CI China Airlines CJ-China Northern Airlines CK-China Cargo Airlines CL-Lufthansa Cityline CM-Copa Air CN-Island Nationair CO-Continental Airlines CP - Canadian Airlines CQ-Sunshine Express Airline CS-Continental Micro CT - Air Sophia CU-Cubana de AviaciĆ³n CV - Air Chathams CW - Air Marshall Islands CX-Cathay Pacific CY...