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Showing posts from August, 2015

Here are 5 Depth in World Hacker

Here are 5 Depth in World Hacker 1. Elite Also known as 3l33t, 3l337, 31337, or a combination of it; is spearheading the network security industry. They understand sistemoperasi outside, able to configure and connect a global network. Capable of programming each day. A very natural grace, they are usually efficient and skilled, to use knowledge appropriately. They are like stealth can enter the system without being seen, although they will not destroy the data. Because they always follow the rules. 2. Semi-Elite Hacker is usually easier than Elite. They also have the ability and extensive knowledge of computers. They understand the operating system (including holes). Usually equipped with a number of kecilprogram enough to change the program exploits. Many of the attacks carried out by hackers who published this caliber, unfortunately by the Elite they are often categorized Lamer. 3. Developed Kiddie This title terutamakarena this age group are young (ABG) and still in sc...

Hacker-Hacker Originating from Indonesia

Hacker-Hacker Originating from Indonesia 1.      Dani Fir­man­syah    Xnuxer, Dani Firmansyah nickname in cyberspace, was arrested Cyber ​​Crime Unit of the Directorate of Special Investigation Metro Jaya Regional Police on 24 April 2004 approximately at 17:20 in Jakarta. Friday, April 16, Xnuxer tried to test the security system through XSS (cross site scripting) of the IP, but screen out the message of risk with a low level (KPU website has not been transparent or damaged). Saturday, April 17th, 2004 at 03.12,42, Xnuxer try again penetrating server by means of SQL Injection and successfully penetrate, and managed to up date the list of the party's name at 11.23,16 until 11.34,27.Teknik used Xnuxer in hacked namely through spoofing (deception). Xnuxer attacks of IP, then open the IP Proxy Anonymous Thailand before msuk to tnp....

6 greatest in the history of hacker attacks

6 greatest in the history of hacker attacks 1. Op Israel Indeed, until now there is no official information related attacks launched by Anonymous and his followers from around the world including other hacker groups. The Israeli side said that the action taken by the Anonymous fails to obliterate Israel from the Internet according to their promise. But the Anonymous claim that their action to shed thousands of sites managed by government, military, corporate account to Facebook, Twitter or state also important data and credit card data. 2. Sony PlayStation Network In 2011 ago, a group of hackers managed to break into the network of Sony's PlayStation Network. This hacking action mengabikbatkan more than 70 million credit card data had been stolen. Because of these actions, Sony finally shut down all its services for several weeks and fix everything including providing compensation to its customers. 3. Epsilon One email marketing company called Epsi...

Discard your Eyeglass Thousands Successfully With this method

Discard your Eyeglass Thousands Successfully With this method Keep in mind that if we do not use the power of the old muscle -otot our bodies for some time, what happens is the muscles of the body will weaken over time. For example, if someone is injured her foot and he uses a wheelchair for some time, his legs will become weaker and weaker. The same thing also applies to the muscles around your eyes. If you currently wear glasses and you do not exercise your eye muscles, then your eyesight will become weak karenya eye muscles need exercise just like any other muscle in our body. You have to play an active role in training your eye muscles below the muscle recovery process your eyesight It is advised to close your eyes for a few minutes at every 2-3 hours and avoid hard pressure / tired eyes. You will need to implement exercises for your eyes. There are 16 exercises for your eyes. (Follow the lines of the picture above the eye quickly and repeate...