Discard your Eyeglass Thousands Successfully With this method
Keep in mind that if we do not use the power of the old muscle -otot our bodies for some time, what happens is the muscles of the body will weaken over time.
For example, if someone is injured her foot and he uses a wheelchair for some time, his legs will become weaker and weaker. The same thing also applies to the muscles around your eyes.
If you currently wear glasses and you do not exercise your eye muscles, then your eyesight will become weak karenya eye muscles need exercise just like any other muscle in our body.
You have to play an active role in training your eye muscles below the muscle recovery process your eyesight
It is advised to close your eyes for a few minutes at every 2-3 hours and avoid hard pressure / tired eyes.
You will need to implement exercises for your eyes. There are 16 exercises for your eyes. (Follow the lines of the picture above the eye quickly and repeatedly)
Do not wear glasses
Massage certain points following every day
You can apply a light pressure on the ball of your eyes with the tip of the middle finger and index finger. Press lightly so you do not feel sick. Then, with your index finger press the dots in the order as shown above.
In addition to the above massage, also do the following things
While walking outside look into the room with a certain distance in focus.
Consuming carrot juice with a few drops of olive oil on a regular basis
Clean your eyes with warm water
Try not to use a laptop or PC at least 2 hours before bedtime.
To sharpen your eyesight, try applying Trataka Indian-style exercise.
Trataka is a way to trick the eye can see with more focus, where you have to focus on a certain distance while on the other hand have to concentrate on a certain point (candlelight, black dots, small objects).
First you have to focus on some object or symbol and stare continuously at the expense of every thought and emotion. You should be calm and let go of all the burdens the mind and emotions, only focused on the point symbol or object being viewed with a pure mind.
If the tears began to drip from your eyes, it bodes fairly and promptly to rest. Perform this technique with memeprtahankan Trataka eyes without blinking as long as you can, before the tears flowing from your eyes.
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