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6 greatest in the history of hacker attacks

1. Op Israel
Indeed, until now there is no official information related attacks launched by Anonymous and his followers from around the world including other hacker groups.
The Israeli side said that the action taken by the Anonymous fails to obliterate Israel from the Internet according to their promise. But the Anonymous claim that their action to shed thousands of sites managed by government, military, corporate account to Facebook, Twitter or state also important data and credit card data.

2. Sony PlayStation Network
In 2011 ago, a group of hackers managed to break into the network of Sony's PlayStation Network. This hacking action mengabikbatkan more than 70 million credit card data had been stolen. Because of these actions, Sony finally shut down all its services for several weeks and fix everything including providing compensation to its customers.

3. Epsilon
One email marketing company called Epsilon reported that they have been victims of hacking actions in 2011 ago, In this action, Epsilon said that there is a lot of data taken from them.

Unfortunately, Epsilon did not mention the exact number of how data is stolen. Epsilon also said that the captured data is just a list of names and email only. Each year, Epsilon receive 40 million e-mail submissions from various companies including the world's top 2000 companies such as Marks and Spencer.

4. Heartland Payment Systems
Payment processing company in New Jersey, USA, named Heartland Payment Systems've lost about 10 million credit card data in the past 2009 years due to the action of hacking.

Of these about 175 thousand credit card data belonging to the businessman had been stolen. According to the study, the attack was perpetrated by a hacker named Alberto Gonzalez as well as the suspected mastermind behind the TJX hacking in 2007.

5. TJX
In 2007, there was an action of hacking that makes an American company called TJX as a target. The hacking of action of more than 45 million credit cards of people who shopped at TJ Maxx stolen.
Some technology experts or observers say that the number reported just a few of the original amount. According to them the credit card number stolen as many approaching 94 million.

6. Operation Shady RAT
Several years ago there was a hacker operating under the code name Operation Shady RAT (Remote Access Tool). Operation Shady RAT is a hacking campaign that makes 72 networks organizations worldwide as a target including the United States government, the British government, 12 US defense sites and many other technology companies around the world.

This action is an act that is done before the year last from 2006 to 2010. There is no reason and certainly what the underlying information does Operation Shady RAT.

According to researchers from McAfee, there was a special intellectual actors who stand behind the attack, but the creator of the antivirus companies refused to reveal who dimaksu with the intellectual actors. They just said that China is one of the attackers.

Similarly, 6 cases of greatest attack from hackers in the Maya world.
Hope it is useful.



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