Is rife once the frauds that happen online. Sometimes we as a buyer of goods seemed could not move anything to catch the perpetrators of such scams because we do not even understand or know much less physically know people who commit fraud. Quite often the victims of online fraud can only surrender and sincere sum of money which he already transfers to the fraudsters. But actually many ways you can do to report the fraud. Here are 3 to Report Fraud Online you can do: 1. Report to the Office of Police Yes, you can immediately report online fraud that occurs to you to the police station. There are a few steps you must do when it comes to the police: - Bring evidence, such as proof of your transfer to the accounts of fraudsters as a basic tool of investigation. Later the police will make a report containing the identity of the reported and the reporting. - After your report is completed, you will be given a Certificate of Acceptance Reports (STPL). Letter of ...
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