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3 How to Report Fraud online ( Indonesia ) 2016

Is rife once the frauds that happen online. Sometimes we as a buyer of goods seemed could not move anything to catch the perpetrators of such scams because we do not even understand or know much less physically know people who commit fraud.

Quite often the victims of online fraud can only surrender and sincere sum of money which he already transfers to the fraudsters. But actually many ways you can do to report the fraud. Here are 3 to Report Fraud Online you can do:

1. Report to the Office of Police

Yes, you can immediately report online fraud that occurs to you to the police station. There are a few steps you must do when it comes to the police:
- Bring evidence, such as proof of your transfer to the accounts of fraudsters as a basic tool of investigation. Later the police will make a report containing the identity of the reported and the reporting.
- After your report is completed, you will be given a Certificate of Acceptance Reports (STPL). Letter of Acceptance Reports (STPL) This is proof that you have reported a fraud that you are experiencing.
- Next, you just wait how the development of cases handled by the police. Then you will get a noti

2. Reporting by Email

Even now you can also report fraud online via email. You do not need to go all the way to the police station or for example if you're no time to get out of the house, reported via e-mail is a good way that you can do.
And do what? You can do so by following the steps below:
- Give the information as much detail as how the running transactions
- Include both other evidence, such as proof of delivery or receipt of transfer, sms, or other evidence of a conversation between you and fraudsters
- Include all the data fraudsters, such as account number, phone number, and social media used by fraudsters
- Then send all the evidence and the data of the official email to the Indonesian Police, is

3. Employer Account Blocking Performers

Yes, in addition to the police in person or via email, you can also attempt to block the offender's account. Besides you can prevent fraud that occurred back towards you, block the offender's account could also prevent offenders commit fraud against other victims.
Once you believe you have cheated, better soon can you make a complaint to the Bank so it may still have a chance for your money back.
Each bank has its own procedure based on the complaint of the victim of online fraud. Among bank BCA, BNI, Bank Mandiri and BRI, BCA was the one who had the procedure a complete service complaints compared with other banks.
The similarity of the bank to another bank related complaint procedures blocking your account fraud perpetrators are obliged to first call centernya call, so you will be explained about the complaints procedure blocking fraudster account.
Here are the names of banks and their call centernya:
- Bank BCA 1500888
- Bank BNI in 1500046
- Bank CIMB 14041
- Bank Mandiri at 14000
- Bank BRI in 14 017
That's 3 to Report Fraud Online. Hope can help you all in denouncing the online scams that occur to you. Your money back or not, at least you've tried to stop the action of the actors in deceptive and makes deterrent.
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