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What is a Multi-Channel Network?

First, let's see what the MCN? MCN is an organization that has access to a higher level of management accounts, YouTube CMS (content management system) that allows them to manage and monitor multiple channels that are part of a network of them.This feature allows them to cash in all channels on the network they.

MCN initially small and difficult to join, just a great channel that can join.

In recent years most of MCN have opened their doors to small YouTubers which means anyone can play on words using the services they tawarkan.Untuk smaller accounts this means users can monetize their feature easier, especially for those not yet or have become YouTube partner.


In principle, be successful on YouTube is something that should be done by yourself, if you are part of a network or tidak.Kemudahannya if it becomes part of a network MCN we can get one free convenience batons, strike, claim copyright and features without directly termonetize audit, although there is dispute over copyrights of MCN's own technical support and will assist in disputes concerning copyright claims, and without fear of being banned by youtube the advantage in the matter of payment we can more quickly payout krn not have to wait for $ 100 in order to payout and can choose payPal as a means of payment.

illustration picture "No banned"

"Broad network set up at the staff of MCN"

"All videos can easily monetize"


Well if we join in automatic MCN we can no longer be Accomplice or adsense youtube youtube for all the revenue that we get is managed by the MCN and take a cut of our earnings framework, according to the results they set.

The other disadvantage is, when it joined the MCN, your channel may not develop, a lot of people complain about the MCN

that after they had joined the MCN They can not decide with MCN center point before the contract expires.

When you register you must mnyetujui legally binding contract some networks this contract binds you to at least a one-year term dlm .During this time you can not leave MCN and all revenue from your YouTube channel entrance to MCN through the CMS, you only get a small part from revenue sharing.

Many of the major network MCN has been criticized for misleading their members with complicated contracts and limit the number of users for a long time and mastery over the ownership and intellectual property rights of the content feature.
Illustration image the money goes to MCN via CMS

illustration image workflow MCN Source:

Other criticism MCN take unfair proportion of income users.

Before you really want to join the MCN try to learn more about the pros and cons, and ask sobat2 who've tried jgn just tempted by gaining their mouth to show off, without knowing how the constraints and disadvantages that they acquire before it gets big winning .You need to read the beginning contract until the end .Before you join

to be 100% sure what you are agreeing.

Consider the following things before approving a contract with MCN:

- Term of the contract

- Percentage of revenue sharing

- Support to licensing issues (eg licensing music)

- How and when you can terminate the contract

Well so posting about MCN, please correct if many shortcomings in the comments field below.

*Good luck


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