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3 Ways Adsense Payments Are Available For Indonesia

Information about how to pay Google Adsense.

If you have not joined the Google Adsense program or you already have an Adsense account but your income has never reached the payment threshold, then you are definitely curious to know how the Adsense payment method really is.

Adsense payments will be done if the income in your Adsense account has reached $ 100 or more in a month. Adsense earnings can be withdrawn at the end of each month if you have reached a payment threshold of $ 100.

Adsense payments for Indonesians are available in three choices, namely:

1. Through Western Union

The Adsense payment method that is most commonly used especially in Indonesia is by using Western Union. If the income in your Adsense account has reached $ 100 or more, then at the end of the month Adsense payment information will appear that can be redeemed in Western Union, for example like the following picture:

Adsense payment information through Western Union

To withdraw the Adsense commission you must bring the information above, namely information about MTCN Number (Money Transfer Control Number), the amount of dollars of Adsense income to be disbursed, the sender's address is Google Inc. and your original KTP and photocopy.

2. Transfer to Local Bank account (Wire Transfer)

Since 2014, Google has supported Indonesian Adsense players to be able to receive payment of Adsense income via transfer to the Bank account. So later the income is transferred directly to our bank account.

3. Through Standard Check

The second way is to use standard checks. If you choose this later if the Adsense income in your account has reached the payment threshold, Google will send a check to your home address. Then the check can be disbursed at the bank where you save.

4. Check via Secured Express Delivery

The third way is Adsense payments via Express Check. The advantages of an express check compared to a standard check are that it can get to your address faster and safer. However, there is an additional fee that you must pay that is equal to $ 25.

Other Ways: Another method is through EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). EFT is the fastest and safest way to pay for Adsense. However, this method of payment is not yet available in Indonesia and is only available in some developed countries. With this method of payment through EFT, Adsense income will be sent directly to the account of the account owner.

Those are some options for the way Adsense payments are available at this time, if you want to find out in more detail about how to pay for Adsense.

Here is an example of an Adsense check that I received a few months ago.

Adsense payment by check

Finally, hopefully this article can help you understand how to pay for Adsense.

*good luck*


  1. oh jadi gini cara gajian di google adsens, jadi gk sabar nih pengen gajian juga hihihi


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